Mgr. art. Andrea Gogova Ph.D. In 2021 I graduated with a Ph.D. degree in Multimedia and Design at TBU in Zlin, Czech Republic after a master’s degree (in design) and a bachelor’s (in Visual Communication) at Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Bratislava, Slovakia. I am an external part of Metatechnicity research group at Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK and member of FEMeeting international network of Women in Art, Science and Technology. In my contemporary transdisciplinary research, spanning Art, Science and Technology, I have focused in the posthuman phenomenology, hydro-environmental approaches, and communication between human and more than human. My artwork contains from different experiences: multimedia, intermedia, and performative art, asemic writing, digital experimental typography, environmental studies, philosophy/biosemiosis in which I create the space of thinking about water body figuration and its relation to water-based communication, “hydrosemiosis” . My body is a sensitive apparatus putting me in principles of global intuition of creating transcorporeal matter in the life of ‘water body language’. I exhibited in Bratislava, Vienna, and Portugal and published in Slovak and English.